Start on the Search for Folders page.
Folders (and the files in them) are organised into 'Projects'. You can search for all the Folder records for a Project, by choosing a Project from the drop-down box. You can also search by Category and/or Sub-Category, which may be useful if your basic search returned too many results.
Or for a more restricted search, type a word or name into the search box. The system will search for a Folder description that contains this word or name. You can search for two words by putting 'word1 AND word2' (the AND must be in capitals)
If you don't know which Folder a file might be in, click on the Go to File Search button which allows you to search for word(s) in the File descriptions.
Then click on the Run your search button.
If you just click on the button without putting anything in any of the boxes, you'll get a list of all the Folders or Files in the system - there may be quite a lot!
The system will produce a list of all the Folders it finds. You can then click on the Open Folder button on the left side of the list to see all the details about that Folder, and a list of the Files/Documents inside it.
When you've found the Document you want, you can click on the 'Download' button (or the 'View Image' button if it's a picture). The document will be downloaded and/or opened for you to read depending on your browser settings.
When you get a list of results, you can sort it by clicking on the column headings.
Note that not all the Projects are visible to all users.